Where We Go Tomorrow

Depends on What We Do Today.


Where do we go from here?

This is the question 3e-Oeil David Carvalho works to answer every day. For more than 20 years, David has led clients to envision a future and developed creative strategies to make it a reality.

David began his career studying engineering at ESME Sudria Paris in 1991 and then continued his education at Strate College, where he completed his Master’s degree in industrial design management. 

After graduating in 1998, David joined Philips Design in Le Mans, France as a Junior designer for the Consumer Communication Division. There he worked on devices such as mobile, corded, and cordless telephones. He also participated in design ideation phases for projects in Eindhoven, Netherlands, which helped him rapidly advance within the organization. In 1999, Philips Design sent David to Sunnyvale, California to provide design services and support to Philips Medical System and the ATL company. After eight months in the Bay Area working on various medical products, David returned to the mobile communications division to build new concepts with enhanced interfaces, such as the carousel icons menu principle with XENIUM, which won a prestigious Red DOT award. 

David was at the forefront of the interaction design movement, working on a strategic level to develop mobile phone functions and services by leveraging the rapid technological progress of electronic components. David recognized digital technology’s revolutionary power, and in May 2000, he and three partners founded the first 3E Oeil Studio—the first cybernetic design studio. Over the next 10 years, David’s entrepreneurial spirit forged his hybrid expertise that connects management, design consulting, and digital experience. 3E Oeil played a leading role in the new wave of digital design focused on human-centred design, web communication, and 3D modeling and imaging. 

In 2010, Dassault Systemes acquired 3E Oeil, naming David their new Design Director. Working with Anne Asensio to establish a design experience strategy to promote the 3D experience platform, the 3DS design studio grew into a top-performing business unit by delivering innovation design consulting to global firms. 

With a growing passion and interest in the connection between ethics, science, and human-centered design, David joined the Orange Group at Technocentre Orange Labs to develop a vision for 5G technologies and their impact on various industries. In this role, David provided essential insights and expertise to foster an inspiring vision to drive cultural and organizational change by shaping conversational natural interfaces. 

In 2019, Pininfarina’s CEO invited David to join Pininfarina as Senior Vice President of Experience Design. His central challenge in this role is to lead Pininfarina through its own business transformation, applying his knowledge and skills to autonomous driving solutions and understanding how they impact automotive design practices. David has successfully risen to this challenge, signing major deals and demonstrating profitability, while also developing core organizational competencies through hiring international talent and creating robust partnerships.

Seeking a greater depth in his relationships with clients, David left Pininfarina to reignite 3e-Oeil in 2021. Today, David works with clients to develop thought leadership for various executives in order to merge a collective vision about current business and market challenges. David continues to discover new horizons of digital design and innovative customer experience, exploring new models for both business and human-machine interactions. 

Most importantly, David believes that any sustainable future will lean heavily on creating “new to the world” experiences that will ultimately help people to reach even higher dreams and goals.


Unreal Engine Developer

We look for an experienced unreal engine developer to work on a futur of automotive and autonomous transportation / logistics robots HMI.


NVIDIA Jetson XavierNX toolkit Developer

We look for an experienced developer to work on the future of autonomous logistic solutions experiences.